Sunday, June 15, 2008

bDay celeb with Po!

Yes... Irfan's 2nd bday today! We spent this day at the Mall - to watch the long-awaited KungfuPanda. Was hesitated to bring him since I was thinking he may still be too young for the movies.. So I prayed and prayed and hope he will stay throughout the movie.
And to my surprise, he did! I was prepared though that if he does breakout into uncomfortable acts, I will leave the cinema. 

HOWEVER,... half way through the movie.. during a peaceful moment of the movie.. when everyone were dead silence... Irfan 'decided' to burst into tears! I did realise before then he kept looking to the back (the Exit).. though still concentrating with the movie. Poor boy! I guess he was kinda excited coming to the movies - something.. somewhere different and realised he was in a strange place!

I was about to leave the cinema with my hand sealed against his mouth.. but with my other hand, I was searching his emergency aid. Finally, he was peacefully calmed with his precious pacifier:) Phew! Mummy can then enjoy the rest of the movie! Woohoo!

As for Aqilah, she was never a movie fan. Before entering the cinema, she would already cover her ears. I had to feed her popcorn as her hands are occupied to feed herself! I actually brainwashed her days before and she did make herself clear with me that she wants 'mummy's computer..' she wants 'buy movie in the shop'... she wants 'cd' version. Well! Sorry girl! Mummy wants to watch it big-screen and I had to bribe her to come! hahahaha... 
Well she has me to thank for now - I think she was the loudest laughing person in the cinema - with her hands covering her ears! 

Now Irfan just can't leave his KungfuPanda vcd alone! You will find him running around the house with the cd in his hands and sometimes doing his own kungfu moves, Irfan-style, with sound effects! My boy... 

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